
Friday, April 21, 2006

you all are NOT going to believe this... 

but one of the folks here at Esoterica has been accused of assault - incurred while the individual was sprinkling fairy dust on two apparently sensitive individuals who felt that their rights and persons had been violated (this despite having been asked first if they wished to be dusted, and the original answer was in the affirmative.) And this depsite the fact that one of the parties had SAID that she didnt wish to cause problems, but that she felt very uncomfy with the sprinkling in the vicinity of her chest. To which she later called the store, wanting the person who sprinkled her to be fired (for sprinkling FREAKING PIXIE DUST??!?!?!?!) OR she would go to the magistrate... which she and her boyfriend have done. May God help the girl if somewhere every grabs her *** on the bus, or she gets a boss who really IS a pervert. I wouldn't want to be in the karmic shoes of this situation - fallout could blow every which way. On the other hand... we COULD end up on the news in one of those Stupid News Stories ;-> Stand by, we may be putting a call out for character witnesses to confirm that we don't randomly assaulting persons with pixie dust (we DO however get frequent requests for special Pixie Dust Sprinklings :D)

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