
Tuesday, May 18, 2004

It Must be Midnight Somewhere 

Sigh... The parental Units are moving out of the family home (which technically was sold last month)... This has been the family home since 1952, and our one solid thing in a world of changes while growing up. I spent my childhood moving around the world ( I was even born out of country) but we always kept this house in Falls Church to come back to when Stateside (we rented it out during our travels.) But now - it has been sold to an OUTSIDER as the two siblings who live here already have homes, and the two remaining siblings (who are unmarried) live out of state. It makes me queasy to think of someone else OWNING MY childhood home. This is the house my mother has spent DECADES and countless thousands (more likely hundreds of thousands at this point) of dollars developing and refining the garden. Set on a third of an acre - you would never know it as you move through the garden, the terraces walls, the brickwork walls, the little nooks and crannies with benches strategically spaced throughout. Completely with koi and goldfish ponds, it is an amazing places, and I can only hope that the new owner will love and cherish it as much as we have. (Lordy I can remember digging some of the now defunct ponds - something of a joke as being a test for a new boyfriend of mine - if we could get him to do the really HEAVY work of the digging of the pond, I knew he would be a keeper ;->) But the two I and my friends dug are long filled in or turned into bogs (for boggy type plants) while two new ones were built. At the moment - when you go out on the patio at the back of the house - you are overwhelmed by the sound of the cicadas (the Enterprise is obviously hovering overhead.) Pretty cool, this is the third time we have gone through this in my lifetime - the first time we were actually overseas for the event - to come home to all the nymph carcasses over all the trees. Last time, in '87, I took great glee in picking up the bugs and putting them on the desks of my co-workers (serious freaking out going on there - heh heh heh)

Well - I am now going to concentrate on thinking good thoughts, positive energy and all that stuff, and get some good mojo going here for the store... All this new stuff and no customers to buy it!

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