
Friday, May 07, 2004

Okay - still trying ot get the kinks out of doing an online log - - trying to operate a computer with a headache doesn't always go over so well.

Did you ever have one of those weeks? That the more you tried to accomplish, the more whacked out things get? For me at the moment it is losing critical items, that are preventing me from doing something that is time sensitive - so that if I DON'T find the missing item, I have to go to a whole BUNCH of people I respect and admit that I am a scatterbrained idiot who has not completed her assigned task. Sigh... I hate letting people down - it gives me insomnia.

Ah well - at least tomorrow should be good. We are doing Leesburg's First Friday Gallery Walk, and Rene Carawen will be playing at our store (www.rhianon.com) from 8 until 10... or maybe 7 until 9 - I can't remember what I told her. And this weekend is our monthly Psychic Faire - where we have oodles of psychics channeling, reading cards, reading palms, reading faces, reading oracles... etc... I just love having all the extra bodies in the store - reminds me of my college days and doing all my studying in the Rathskellar. And we will probably do Kareoke on Saturday night again, Jane just can't resist a little Patsy Cline on a weekly basis. As for me - I seem to be hopelessly hooked on Beatles, the Animals and Linda Rondstadt. Luckily for everyone else - other folks usually want to play too - and we have plenty of other tunes to sing with (from the 40s to the 80s, plus some Broadway musicals). You would think we were drinking heavily the way we carry on, but for the most part it is nothing stronger than tea and coffee and addled brains!

Well... hopefully our store poltergeist will return my missing papers tomorrow so I can complete the minutes to my meeting, BEFORE I have to apologize to everyone - I will have to ask her very nicely as I leave the store tonight. ttfn

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