
Saturday, May 08, 2004

Still Waiting for some Good News 

I am sure most of the folks out there have heard of the old Adage - People in Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Stones. Sorta what we have done here in the US - but a bit backwards... first we threw the stones, then we built ourselves a glasshouse. Now - people have seen INTO the glass house, have seen the same ugliness that WE were throwing stones over, and low and behold, we CAN NOT be surprised if the rest of the world picks up a bunch of stones and start lobbing them this way. He who professes to be a saintly and moral man MUST then behave in that manner, otherwise he is nothing less than a morally bereft and spiritually ugly man. And the rest of us are left having to pick up after his ugliness.
Regardless of how you may have felt about Clinton, read the following with an open mind.

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