
Thursday, May 13, 2004

A Weekend of Abundance 

What better way to finish off a traumatic week, then with a glorious four days of happiness, prosperity and abundance. And why do I know this is going to happen? Because I have faith in it, and know that everyone here has been working hard, thinking ahead, and are all worthy of great and wonderful things happening to us! ;->

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, I haven't heard any cicadas yet, and it is the Merry Merry Month of May! What other reason to celebrate! even better, tomorrow night Greg Lygon plays at Esoterica, and then Saturday night we have a WHOLE BAND playing, Revel Moon, whichj should really raise the roof!!!
We will have coffee, tea and loads of cookies, so that should also bring in many many folks, if only to get keep nibbles . I love music in many forms, and both of these guys/groups are amazing in their own ways. I love to sit at my desk, feeling the vibrations from the music as I do the bookwork, it actually makes it almost fun!

I have been reading The Da Vinci Code (or at least trying to) the past several days, hence the lack of sleep and the glazed eyes, since usually the only time I get to read in quiet is on 'the throne' if you catch my drift - and even then I suffer constant interruptions (I really need a closet to hide in to get some reading done...that or lock the bedroom door and put earphones in!)

I am also feeling the need to go on a jewelry making and sewing binge... we need new things for the store, and I have the materials (aka knowledge).... heh... yet more work!

ttfn- off to pour caffiene into me in the hopes that it will wake me up somehow... that or I am going to have to go downstairs and whack on some of the drums for a good half hour to get the adrenalin going!

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