
Saturday, November 06, 2004

Loving Life!!! DeSpite The Shrub. 

Halloween Weekend was unbelievable!!! We all had a great time. Good Music, lots of fun, costumes, candy and good food. The parade through Leesburg was a hoot, and we all just had too much fun. Tues and Weds were the downers for the week - but we are going to rise above all that, and look and work for the future. Irene and Alex are turning the magical cabinet into Diagon Alley, complete with wands, brooms and other Potterish wares.. Most fun!

A Week filled with both Blessings and disappointments - I am grateful for them all - Blessings relieve some of hte pressures, the disappointments teach us lessons in patience, compassions and perserverance.

Hugs to everyone.

Diamond Lil.

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