
Thursday, May 12, 2005

Apparently my inability to commit/ability to two sides are in conflict here... 

I Am

Which tarot card are you?

and the card means: Suspended decision. Initiation, divination, prophecy. Turning point in psychic powers. Trust in inner voice.
Suspension, change, reversal, boredom, abandonment, sacrifice, readjustment, improvement, rebirth
He usually represents a time of feeling in limbo, being stuck or being prevented from moving forward. He's usually depicted hanging upside down with his hands tied - that's just what it feels like! We need to remain flexible and willing to let go of things, it's probably a time for sacrifice. Like the man in this card from the Murciano Tarot, don't sweat it, take some time out and be patient.
The Hanged Man - External Meaning: Spiritual awareness and the happiness and assuredness it brings. Sacrificing for a noble purpose. Reveral of one's current way of life. Inner peace. Developed intuition and prophecy. Esoteric Meaning: The spirit of the mighty waters. Reversing false images. Sacrifice. Energys: Water
Well, since you asked [...], the Oracle tells me that "I am":

  The High Priestess

Intriguing! ;)

The description is here.
It says I am The Magician.
hmm - no, I don't feel it.

I don't think you're The Magician. Sorry. You'd probably like to be The Magician, am I right? And if you are, where's the link to the description of the Magician?
OK - you don't have to answer - in case anyone is interested, here it is... from the same site.

The Magician

"Manifestation through will. Imagination, concentration, action. Spirit and Matter united.
A young man raises a doubly terminated wand in his right hand. The wand is held vertically, a tool for the unification of heaven and earth. His left index finger grounds this duality into creation drawing from the original chaos to bring into being the flowers of creation. His aura is shown as the horizontal figure eight, symbol of eternity, while about his waist is wrapped the serpen-cinture, the serpent devouring its own tail, another symbol of eternity. In front of him are the creator/magicians tools, wands, cups, swords and pentacles, symbolizing fire, water, air and earth."
I didn't say I WAS The Magician since I haven't half a clue what all that verbiage means. I said that "It says I am The Magician." That's a fact!

Now I'll prove I am a magician and make myself disappear ... POOF!!
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