
Monday, June 06, 2005

Earth Mother Strikes... 

Watching the storm come rolling in this evening - I anxiously waiting to see if we were going to be pelted with hail... which would destroy my wee container garden on the deck. thankfully we only had massive wind, rain and lightening... and my plants seem to have come through with flying colors. I have 16 tomato plants, 6 cucumbers, 4 peppers, and some squash... add to that a passel of herbs and marigolds to drive off the bugs... and some chives just coz i like them in tomato salads.

My prosperity pots out by the front of the store are looking good - the red impatiens are a bit pathetic, but the snapdragons are filling out quite nicely. but we still need some red geraniums... both for their bug repellant properties and for the prosperity lure that they are supposed to represent ;-> I am just so happy to be doing some gardening again. If only I had been able to get a strawberry planting going too..
now I have to rescue my grapes and berries (in my overgrown patch I have raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and th emost delicious golden raspberries. but wild vines are trying to take it all over, and I have to somehow drive back the EVIL vines and get my tasty treats growing again. Thank and recover my rhododendrons... also being taken over by native honeysuckle, morning glories and wild blackberries.

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