
Sunday, July 31, 2005

How Gwen discovered the answer to our fly problem... or.... Even Troublemaking Teens get it right at their worst!!! 

It started with some prosperity incense Gwen was making for the store... Then she asked her 14 year old son to help her out... Somehow, a lovely smelling concoction, with cinnamon, cloves, ginger and other spicey good smellies acheived an Noxious Addition!!!! We didnt notice it at first...

I usually break up the wafers (she forms the resiny powered spices into 'cookies') and burn the resulting powder, but sometimes I like to put the charcoal on top of a bit of wafer - so we can get a continued burning effect after the charcoal is gone, and the wafer itself turns into a bit of burning charcoal... (at this time we had touches of either the prosperity incense, or purification, sometimes sensual blends, sometime spiritual blends - just things to make the store smell good....)

This week she brought in a new batch (the batch she had her son help her with) - but when we were drying them I noticed something smelling odd by our incense burning area... then we BURNED some of the newly dried wafers...

We didnt register it at first - but I keep on thinking of italian and greek cooking by the incense - something I don't normally do...

Then I noticed it smelled DOWNRIGHT WRONG!!!

I Finally identified what the smell was, and Gwen remembered her son had said something about things not smelling right....

As close as she can figure it out - somehow the powered GARLIC got substituted (at least in part) for the powered ginger...

At a loss to figure out what to do with the weird smelling incense - I put it out to dry at the back of the store - and SUDDENLY, after several weeks of a proliferation of annoying flies (that come in the big industrial fan opening at the top of the building) WERE NO MORE!!! (or at least their presence has been heavily reduced.) I then remembered one organic way of discouraging bugs on outdoor plants and veggies is to spray them with a garlic solutions - something most bugs can't tolerate (well known in my family due to the proclivity of bugs draining the lifeblood from me and my family - counteracted by our MASSIVE reliance on garlic in my cooking (only not in effect when we eat too much food on the run)).

So... I am going to take some of the wafers home - and maybe the combination of the prosperity spices and the protection element of the garlic with turn my vegetable garden into a paradise of edible gifts from Mother Nature - sans bugs!!!!

Will let you know how it goes!!!

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